Dung Beetles Australia website is a privately managed site
for the general community to learn about the value of dung
beetles and their role in managing nutrients, sequestering
carbon and reducing health issues of livestock and
communities. Many community groups and other organisations
have supported this website for your benefit. Please let us
know your thoughts on the website and ways we can make it
even better. The site is owned and managed by Mick Alexander
and the team of Grazing Bestprac based in Yeppoon,
MAKE CONTACT Click here for contact details
involvement with dung beetles spans more than a decade from
1995, when working with graziers in the Central Queensland
region. A single grazing family, Bernie and Elizabeth
Shelton, “Springwater”, initiated the resurgence in dung
beetles when they contacted Mick to help them increase the
dung beetle activity and numbers in the Injune area. This
single action has acted as a catalyst to a journey involving
thousands of people, on hundreds of properties gaining
untold knowledge, skills and inspiration for “back to
nature” (reduced chemicals) forms of agriculture. In
Mick’s words, “George Bornemissa had a vision for
Australia and started the exciting dung beetle program with
CSIRO. John Feehan “Soilcam”, Canberra continued
the work and extended the impact in southern Australia, but
very little had happened in Queensland for many years.
Taroom Shire Landcare Group
A vision for tomorrow, A sustainable graziers dream
A bucket full of ball rollers ( Sisyphus Spinipes)
"The pad was simply moving before our eyes, but we didn't expect to find so many Dung Beetles" Mick Alexander